Hateno-hama is a generic term for an uninhabited island consisting of only pure white sands. It is located 5km east of Kumejima and consists of three uninhabited islands, "Maine Beach", "Nakano Beach" and "Hateno Beach".
The sea of 360 degrees emerald green and the pure white sand beach are so beautiful that it is one of the tourist attractions when people come to Kumejima. <more information>

Tatami-Ishi (Tatami Rock) - A nationally designated natural monument -
Tatami-Ishi is a national natural treasure and to be rare in the world. Pentagonal and hexagonal turtle-shell-shaped rocks can be seen stretching out along the shore.
It is said that about 20 million years ago, when lava that cooled underground solidified, regular cracks were formed. The surface of the rock is said to have been continuously eroded by waves over a long period of time, and the flattened surface have appeared on the surface of the earth. The largest of these cracks can be as large as 2 meters in diameter. The Tatami-Ishi sinks into the sea at high tide, so it is recommended to visit at low tide if at all possible.

Yajia Cave (Yajia-gama) is a huge semi-natural cave approximately 800meters long. This ancient cave has existed in Okinawa for tens of thousands of years. There are many stalactites worth 20,000 to 40,000 years. This cave is a home for creatures and sprits of island’ s ancestors.<more information>
